Friday, February 14

4 Planning Tips for Landscaping Beginners Everywhere

As of 2021, the landscaping industry in the United States has grown to a value of over $105 billion. With booming television series and creative landscaping planning, the industry keeps growing.

If you’ve started thinking about joining all of the landscape design professionals, you’ve come to the right place. As a future expert, you’ve probably started thinking about what your first few projects will be.

To get started with your landscaping planning, keep reading. You’ll need these four tips before you start breaking ground.

1. Start With a Focal Point While Planning Landscaping

Any good landscaping plan includes a focal point. There may be many different features within one landscape, but there’s always a standout area.

In a backyard, this area may be the place where people gather to eat. In a courtyard, this may be the big oak tree that children read books underneath.

While you’re planning a landscape design, you should consider what you’d use as the focal point of the space. Determining this early can help you plan the rest of the landscape around it.

2. Consider How the Location May Impact Your Landscape Design

Amateur landscapers tend to forget about the ultimate ruler of landscape and urban planning: Mother Nature. Her winds and sun patterns can put a damper on your landscape design if you aren’t careful.

Before creating your design, you need to understand what happens to the landscape throughout the day. If half of the patio gets burning sun in the evening, you may want to avoid putting the gathering table there. Likewise, you’d want to avoid putting the pool under a giant tree because of leaf shedding.

These small considerations will set you apart from other landscapers. And, you’ll get a better final result out of those small tweaks.

3. Pace Your Timeline and Be Open to Change With Landscape and Urban Planning

You may see landscaping professionals finish projects in one day on a television show. But, likely, you don’t have the experience or manpower that they do.

You need to pace yourself.

As you’re creating a timeline, space out your goals and make time in between stages in case you run into a problem.

4. Finalize Landscaping Plans Before You Start

You need to have a clear understanding of what you need for the project before you start. With this, you need to have a clear vision of what you’re doing.

Otherwise, you’ll run into problems when you start making changes to the landscape. You may not have a good amount of funds or the right materials to get things done.

Check out some of the most common landscape installation mistakes here. The more you learn now, the better you can avoid these problems in the future.

Learn More About Landscaping Planning

Landscaping planning is an exciting field. Given a plot of land, the possibilities are endless.

As you grow and develop your skills, you’ll start picking up these and more tips for landscape and urban planning.

To learn more about planning landscaping, check out the rest of our blog.