Monday, February 10

6 Tips to be a Great Painter

The Top 10 Ways to Paint Like a Pro | DIY

A great painter in Sacramento came up with 6 important tips for people that are aspiring to bring their painting careers to the next level. In most cases, a great house painter must have extensive knowledge and experience in the painting field. Having values that start with great customer service, integrity and honesty are more than half of the battle. However, if you want to be, or hire a great painter here are some things to focus on when it comes to delivering a high-quality job.

  • Be courteous
  • Be knowledgeable
  • Be careful
  • Pay attention to detail
  • Use high-quality paint
  • Maintain a great reputation

1. Be Courteous

It is imperative for a great painting professional to have excellent customer service qualities. Being courteous is number one in the rank of high standards. Most people can do the job they are supposed to do, but it takes effort to be courteous and understanding of the needs of the customer. In order to communicate properly with customers, or anybody else it takes a bit of compassion and understanding. If you bring these two into every job it will be easy to be courteous.

2. Be Knowledgeable

Do you know what you are doing? How about the person painting your establishment. Do they? The best way to determine this is to ask questions and look for quality answers with details. Most times if a painter knows the ropes about contractor painting they will have great answers for any question you may have. Take the time to ask questions and answer them, if you have answers. If you don’t have answers, be honest. Don’t make things up just to sound smart. People can see right through that. Be genuinely knowledgable and bring that knowledge into every job that you do.

3. Be Careful

Tarps and painter’s tape were created for a reason. Painting can be messy. One time a painter went into a home with lots of paint and set an open can on the top of a scaffold that was being used. He turned his back for a moment, and the painter that was using the scaffold accidentally kicked the whole bucket of paint onto the floor before a tarp was laid down. It ruined the carpet and made the homeowner very upset. If a painting contractor is not careful they can cause a lot of damage. Paint was made to last and stick. If a painter takes the extra time and precaution to make sure everything is clean and without spillage this could be one huge step closer to being a great painter for a painting company.

4. Pay Attention to Detail

Details are important when it comes to painting. Colors need to match, and the texture needs to be accounted for as well. When you have a painter that pays attention to the details of the job you have the makings of a great painter. It is in the little things that add up to contribute to an awesome looking paint job. Tiny droplets can cause big problems. Even the hair on a paintbrush can be a problem. If you pay attention to the little things you can help to avoid bigger problems in the end. You can also make things look much better in the end.

5. Use High-Quality Paint

For a paint job to be excellent it has to have excellent paint. Sure there are a lot of different types of paint out there that may or may not be good. Some of them are cheaper than others. If you go to a department store and try to find the cheapest paint there is, you could be selling yourself short in the long run. Cheap paint does not last. Even worse, it looks bad when it dries. Although it may seem like saving money to use lesser quality paint, in the end, it ends up causing you, and your customers more.

6. Maintain a Great Reputation

What do people say about you as a painter? When they talk about you to their friends and family, what is the tone? Do they smile when they talk about you, or do they wince? Keeping a great reputation is not hard to do if you rely on the positive things that people look for in a great painter. Be on time. Don’t rip people off. Keep your word. Be fair. Customers know that you can’t be a pushover in the field, and can respect that. However, if you are fair in all of your dealings you can’t go wrong.

DK Painting Company is a Great Painter

A perfect example of a great painter is DK Painting Company in Sacramento the owner has over 20 years of professional painting experience and is able to give sound, applicable advice on how a person can become not only a great house painter but the best.