Did you know that about 14 million housing units in the United States reported cockroach problems in their homes in 2021?
Cockroaches are a prevalent pest in America, attracted to a home by warmth, food, and moisture. They survive on the leftover food and other materials such as packaging and paper, and they reproduce rapidly. They also appear and smell unpleasant, and they can pose a number of health risks.
Cockroaches can spread salmonella and E.coli, as well as 33 other pathogens. They can also transmit parasitic worms and other hazardous infections and cause allergic and asthmatic reactions. Young kids and the elderly may have more severe allergic and asthmatic reactions to cockroaches.
Because they are small and usually active at night, determining whether you have a cockroach infestation can be difficult.
Read on to learn five signs of cockroach infestations.
- Cockroach Droppings
If cockroaches infest your home, feces will be visible.
Cockroaches rarely pee. Instead, they secret semi-solid wastes that often vary in appearance. The quantity of waste also varies depending on the size, age, and insect species.
For instance, Oriental, American, and Smokybrown cockroaches are large species and produce feces the size of rice grain.
But generally, cockroach droppings are either dark brown or black pellets. The feces can also either be oval or roundish chunks found as smears or stains on the surface when the insects crawl over.
Before infestation becomes severe, roaches’ droppings are likely to be minimal. So you may not notice them. But during a full-blown infestation, you will see a large quantity of nasty cockroach waste.
Often, you may confuse roaches droppings with mice, but there are some differences. Mouse dropping tends to be smooth and pointed at each end, but roaches’ feces are blunt.
- Unpleasant Smell
What kind of smell might indicate roaches infestation in your home?
If you have ever been in a cockroach-infested basement or attic, you might have noticed a musty and oily smell. This smell arises from the mixture of food scraps that the insect consumes plus the decaying organic matter.
The pungent odor often worsens as the infestation becomes severe. The smell can also stay in the air and affect the taste of the food you prepare. Additionally, roaches’ smell can cause health problems like asthma.
Roaches are also attracted to damp areas that may feature mold or mildew. Though such areas may already be stinky, bugs may add a more unpleasant odor.
To get rid of the roaches’ smell, you must take the necessary steps. First, you can consider introducing roaches’ repellant smell. Additionally, you can hire pest control professionals to inspect and provide the best cockroach and bed bug solutions.
- Cockroach Eggs
The best places to find roach eggs are near things they like, such as food, water, and cabinets.
Cockroach eggs should not be your primary concern. You need to know where the adult roaches are hiding. Thus, check them in the kitchen, bathroom, under the drawers, behind appliances, inside light fixtures, and under the sink.
Cockroaches lay eggs in a casing known as oothecae which are significantly large and can measure around 3/8 of an inch. They are often brownish after being laid but turn black after a few days. The eggs are usually glued to the surface they are laid upon.
If you notice cockroach eggs, it may indicate a large infestation. Generally, cockroaches are fast in reproduction. A single female can produce up to 800 offspring in a year.
Thus, if you ignore the problem, your home could be infested by more than 10 000 roaches within a year.
- Cockroach Shed Exoskeletons
In their lifecycle, roaches shed their skeletons up to 8 times.
But where are you likely to find roaches shed skin? Often, roaches’ exoskeletons can be found near their nests, behind electrical appliances, under furniture, and in the hidden corners of a room.
However, if you find light wings on your property, you may be tempted to think it is a cockroach shed. The truth is, roaches are not capable of tearing their wings; other insects like termites should be the prime suspect.
A roaches shell may help you locate a nest or indicate that the bugs thrive inside your property. Hiring a pest control is the best way to control the cockroach population. If you choose DIY control measures, you may not know the right chemical or the areas to apply the insecticide.
- Destroyed Items
Cockroaches at home cannot destroy property unless erected with poor structure.
However, roaches can cause widespread destruction in your home. For instance, bugs can burrow into electrical outlets and furniture to hide. But if the insects are hiding in cabinets, basement, walls, or drains, they won’t cause damage since no burrowing is needed.
Unlike termites, cockroaches don’t chew wood or other household items.
However, the bugs will consume any organic substance they find. Besides sweets, meat, and starchy food, roaches can also eat hair, books, toothpaste, and leather.
However, any damage that roaches can cause to your property is usually temporary. After you have ended the infestation, cleaning, basic repairs, and replacement, painting, and decoration will restore the state of your property.
Eradicate Cockroach Problem in Your Home
Roaches are one of the most stubborn pests you will deal with as a homeowner. Because of this, they can be very hard to eradicate on your own. If you notice any of the above signs of a cockroach problem, you need to call the experts.
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