Monday, February 10

Houseplant Guide: Dracaena Fragrans Care Tips

If you’re looking for the perfect house plant, it’s hard to find a better choice than the dracaena fragrans. Although it has a challenging name to pronounce, dracaena fragrans care is fairly straightforward.

Also known as the corn plant, the dracaena fragrans is a common house plant for people who love a little green in their homes.

Let’s go over some dracaena fragrans care tips.

1. Sunlight

The dracaena fragrans grow best in partial sunlight. Therefore, they thrive in areas with filtered indoor light, such as light that streams in through a sheer curtain.

As a rule, you should never place a corn plant in direct sunlight as the sun’s rays can scorch its foliage.

2. Water

Many plant-loves choose the dracaena fragrans because they don’t require as much water as other indoor house plants.

The best way to keep your corn plant hydrated is by using a spray bottle to mist the leaves. You also want to mist the soil lightly. Make sure never to make the soil soggy.

As a rule, you should always wait for the topsoil to dry out before rewatering. Overwatering this plant can lead to root rot, which can harm the plant.

3. Temperature

The dracaena fragrans do best in moderate temperatures. Therefore, you should aim for indoor temperatures between 65° to 78°. In the evenings, on crisp nights, your corn plant can withstand temperatures as cold as 55°; however, anything under this temperature can harm the plant.

It’s a good idea to keep your corn plant away from any appliances in your home that give off too much heat or cool air. Natural room humidity doesn’t harm this plant, but it prefers a higher humidity akin to its rainforest habitat.

To make your dracaena fragrans houseplant care a snap, check out this site.

4. Toxicity

While beautiful and popular among many homeowners, the dracaena fragrans are considered toxic to cats and dogs when eaten. If consumed, cats and dogs may present with excess saliva, lack of appetite, and vomiting.

Therefore, it’s important to make sure you find household plants that are right for your home.

5. Pests and Other Problems

While these plants are mostly pest-free, they can be susceptible to mealybugs, spider mites, and scale. You can treat your plant with an insecticide that contains pyrethrin to prevent pests and other problems.

If you don’t feel comfortable using insecticides inside your home, simply check your plant regularly to ensure a pest-free environment.

Dracaena Fragrans Care

Like every plant, it takes the right conditions for suitable dracaena fragrans care. By following the tips above, you give your dracaena fragrans the best chance at a long, healthy life.

Corn plants make a great indoor plant for pet-free homes. So if you’re looking for a little green to liven up your home, the dracaena fragrans might be your plant of choice.

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