Many people invest a lot of effort and money in decorating their home, but they forget about the importance of the yard. The pandemic and quarantine reminded us how important it is to have your own piece of peace in which you can rest and feel comfortable. Your yard will cope with this task perfectly if you make an effort and make small changes. In this article, we will share with you how to make a perfectly comfortable yard for yourself, your loved ones and your guests.
The design of the backyard should be worked out taking into account the wishes of all family members living in the house.
If you have a big family, and a lot of friends and relatives, then you’ll definitely need a comfortable gazebo equipped with a decent-sized table.
If you are a young couple, and you would like to often host a friendly company, then it will be ideal for you to equip the yard with a pool or a playground for future kids. You can combine both options so that the children are under the supervision of adults as they play.
If there is a person in the family who is engaged in professional creativity or craft, then it is necessary to equip a comfortable place for his work. An older couple would be better served by a garden with beautiful green seedlings and a flower garden.
High terrace
In the case when, when entering the backyard, outside the boundaries of the site, a view is visible, spoiling the mood, it is advisable to close this view with trees, tall shrubs or perennial flowers.
Decorating the entrance
Most people think about decorating the entrance area of the backyard. A path overgrown with grass or a rusted gate spoils the whole view. Make sure to take care of it on time.
A luxurious gazebo can hide these imperfections and add a wonderful atmosphere to the entire territory. You can plant flowers in front of the entrance, they will give aroma and excellent appearance.
Separate area
To create a secluded corner, the following is suitable: patio, gazebo, terrace. A good shelter from the winds, the sun and prying eyes will be waterproof curtains, thick fabrics.
Improving the landscape
A unique high structure corner made of laths will help to hide from the eyes of neighbours or hide an ugly view. It is easily entwined with plants, if there is space, plant a branched tall sapling. It is possible to put two armchairs and a small table here. Plant beautiful flowers around the corner.
Lower level patio
If your site is located on a slope, then the best way out is to dig out a piece of territory for the resting place.
It is possible to decorate the design of the courtyard with a small patio. Lowering the level will make it look more voluminous and give it elegance.
Water design
Everything related to water always evokes thoughts of something good and relaxes the body. Even its noise calms the nerves, and looking at the water you can fall into a serene state. Therefore, many people want to have a site near the water.
But you can also create artificial sources: a pond, a stream, or at least a pool. You only need to apply a little imagination, and you can reproduce in your site a real piece of nature.
If the site has problems with frequent groundwater flooding, the best solution would be to create a stream. This will turn the problem into a zest for landscape design.
Coasts will need to be overlaid with large boulders, or you could plant plants that are very fond of moisture.
Sky reflecting pond
If you have a long backyard, and it looks too large, it is recommended to equip a small pond of stone with floating water lilies and other vegetation.
The greatest effect can be obtained by covering the bottom with a black lining, this will improve the reflection of the sky in the water.
Place a soft sofa, armchairs nearby and admire the beauty of nature. Plant the plants in several tiers along the perimeter of the site, which will add volume to the territory.
Live hedge
A comfortable rest in a solitary state with a view of nature is preferred by many. It is not difficult to create such an atmosphere with the help of fast-growing shrubs and climbing trees. This method is especially suitable for those who do not want to make a conventional fence.
Most people love flowers, but mowing the grass bothers them. You can create a green corner in the following way: instead of a common meadow, divide the territory into four parts, fencing them off with paths made of stone or brick.
It is advisable to install a gazebo, bench, small sofa or swing near the fence. Entangle the gazebo with weaving plants.
In the middle, the central flower bed with tall flowers will look beautiful.
For those wishing to grow crops, it is possible to make a separate place for this in the backyard too. Cover the beds with stone borders, and fill the paths with not coarse gravel, which will contribute to comfortable movement and watering.
Make sure to have good quality garden equipment and most importantly a good quality garden hose. Watering is very important for all your plants in the backyard.
Fire place
This place creates comfort, friendliness and will delight guests with delicious food, the main purpose of arranging such a place is precisely this.
Nowadays, the range of barbecues and related accessories is very large, so you need to rely only on your taste when choosing these accessories.
In order to make the backyard safe, it is necessary to build a strong and high fence.
If you have a dog, then make the fence so that it cannot jump over or crawl in any way. The main entrance must be securely locked.
Now you know everything you need to create the perfect nook in your backyard. So, what are you waiting for? Use our tips and make sure to enjoy the process. Just a few steps, a little work and your imagination separate you from many beautiful evenings spent with the family in the new cosy yard.