Saturday, January 18

How to Keep Your HVAC System Running Smoothly

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 87% of U.S. homes use air conditioning units. HVAC systems also account for 12% of the average U.S. home’s yearly energy consumption.

Keeping your HVAC system in great condition will decrease your yearly energy consumption and lower your energy bills.

If you want to know how to keep your HVAC system running efficiently, you’ll find what you need to know in this guide. Keep reading to learn more.

Change Your Air Filter

This is one of the easiest maintenance tasks for keeping your HVAC system in great condition, but it’s also one of the most important.

Make sure you know the correct sized filter before changing it. You also need to place the filter in the correct way to ensure proper airflow.

A dirty air filter will disrupt airflow and can put a lot of pressure on your unit. The filter should be changed every three months.

An Annual Tune-Up Is Vital

Another way to make sure your AC unit is running smoothly is by scheduling yearly HVAC maintenance checks. Even if everything seems to be working the way it should, hiring an HVAC company for a tune-up is important.

Some issues are easy to solve on your own, but others are much more complex. An HVAC technician will be able to inspect your system and find any issues before they get too big. An annual check-up will catch any problems with your system to save you money on more lengthy repairs.

Clean the Outdoor Unit

Another important aspect of HVAC maintenance requires cleaning the outdoor unit. If grass grows around the unit, you should trim it often. Letting the grass grow long or letting debris collect around the outdoor unit will affect how well the system functions.

The heat in your home gets released through the unit’s fins. Any debris around them will prevent this function, and you’ll have trouble cooling your home. Wipe down the unit’s fins with a brush and wash away any dirt with water.

Inspect the Condenser Unit

HVAC system maintenance should also include checking the condenser unit. What is a condenser? It helps with evaporation, compression, and condensation.

The compressor inside the unit helps heat move out of your home with more efficiency. Within the condenser unit, refrigerant moves through the condenser coils to help cool your home.

This unit serves an important function and examining it will ensure your entire system works to keep your home cool.

Use a Ceiling Fan

You probably use your HVAC system every day. It helps you stay cool in the summer and keeps your home warm in the winter.

This constant use can create a lot of wear on the system and lead to efficiency issues. Relieve the strain on your system by turning it off for a few hours and using the ceiling fan to cool your home instead.

You can also turn off the air conditioning and open up your windows if the weather permits. You’ll let in some fresh air while giving your system a break.

Check Your Thermostat

You’re able to manage your heating and cooling system by using a thermostat. Consider using a smart thermostat so your system can run more efficiently. This will save you money on your energy bills long-term.

Your thermostat might need recalibration from time to time. This ensures it gives you accurate readings on the temperature, that what you read on the thermostat is the actual temperature in the room. Make sure you inspect your thermostat during annual maintenance checkups.

Examine Your Insulation and Weatherstripping

The insulation and weatherstripping in your home is another thing that needs to be inspected and maintained to ensure your HVAC system functions properly.

If you’re having issues with your air conditioner, this could be because of a lack of insulation. If needed, add more insulation to your attic so your system doesn’t overwork itself.

You might also need to repair weatherstripping on your windows to prevent cool air from escaping your home. This can prevent your HVAC system from breaking down.

Clean the Condensation Drain

The moisture that your HVAC unit extracts from the air moves through the condensate drain in your system. Cleaning this drain often will prevent the accumulation of dust or mold.

When you don’t clean your condensate drain, this debris can create a blockage that can cause a water leak and lead to structural damage. Avoid this issue by practicing this simple maintenance tip.

Clean Your Vents

Cleaning your AC vents is another simple but vital form of maintenance to keep your system running smoothly. If you let dust collect on the vents over a long time, this can prevent proper airflow.

This can make it difficult for your air conditioner to cool your home. Make sure you wipe down all the vents in your home every time you clean.

Check the Refrigerant Levels

Air conditioning systems need the right amount of refrigerant to keep your home cool. Not having enough refrigerant can cause your HVAC unit to work harder to cool your home, this can cause some damage to the system.

The refrigerant levels should be checked often to avoid this issue from occurring.

HVAC System Maintenance Tips You Should Know

If you want your HVAC system to run smoothly, follow ac tune up loveland co. Make sure you change your air filter and inspect the condenser unit when needed.

Check out some of the other air conditioning and home improvement-related blogs on our site for more tips you might need.