Wednesday, February 12

Is it Time to Replace Your Doors and Windows?

How do you know it's time to replace your Home Windows & Doors?

New windows and doors enhance the aesthetic appeal and value of a home, giving the owner a sense of comfort and belonging in the community. However, most people do not contact Los Angeles windows and doors experts simply because they’re unhappy with the appearance. Instead, it’s often a combination of wear and tear and damage that convinces the homeowner to make the call.

Los Angeles Windows and Doors Experts at Your Service

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts if your windows and doors have seen their better days. We offer an abundance of options suitable to every Los Angeles home. Whether you seek a lavish look or simply need protection from the outside elements, we offer what you need at a cost you can afford. Keeping homes covered is our top priority, but making happy customers is just as important.

When to Replace Doors & Windows

Replacing doors and windows when they’re old, worn-out, and outdated revives the aesthetic appeal of the home. Instant curb appeal creates that feeling of belonging in the community. That feeling is important for most homeowners. Your home becomes a focal point in the community, a home that even the neighbors envy. With the updated style comes added value, which homeowners appreciate when it’s time to sell. Windows average a lifetime of 10 – 20 years while doors average a lifetime slightly longer. However, this isn’t a guarantee they’ll last this amount of time.

Money in the Bank

Saving money is something most families wish they could do. While it’s true that new windows and doors require an initial investment, they pay for themselves in no time. New windows and doors improve comfort for everyone in the home by sealing gaps and holes that allow heat and air to seep in/out of the home. When all of the gaps are properly sealed, you’ll turn down the heat or air and save money on electricity costs each month.

Homeowners also save money with the help of energy tax credits and other rebates and incentives offered by the government each year. The savings equal about 10% of the initial costs, which is a nice sum of money to put back in your pocket after a home improvement project.

Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Home’s Windows

You can replace the windows any time you’re unhappy with the look and style of the home. However, there are certain situations that arise when you should replace the windows, even if it is a project you’d rather avoid. Replace the windows and doors if any of the following are true:

– You feel air coming in or out of the windows/doors

– Moisture builds on the inside of the window

– The door does not properly shut

– The door is old, hollow, or damaged

– Windows are cracked, chipped, broken, or otherwise damaged

Cost of New Windows & Doors

The cost of new windows and doors isn’t written in stone. The costs vary and many factors influence the costs, including brand, style, and size. Comparing a few options ahead of the purchase is the simplest way to find the windows and doors most suitable to your needs. Keep in mind the hardware chosen influences the overall aesthetics of the door. Determine a budget ahead of time, factoring in fees for installation in addition to the cost of the product itself.