Monday, February 10


While upgrading and settling to a better house is exciting, the whole process of moving your stuff can be quite overwhelming, especially if you have many appliances. Packing your things into boxes can be easy, but what do you do when it comes to the appliances? You may be torn between what appliance to carry and what to sell, for instance, that refrigerator you just bought that perfectly fits into the kitchen decor.

When selling or moving houses, it is crucial that you first decide whether you will include the appliances in the sale or move them to your new home. If you are a renter, you only have the option of moving the appliances or selling them to your friends or family. To make a comprehensive decision, do the following:

Take inventory of your appliances.

First, list down all the appliances you own. They could be:

  • Refridgerator
  • Freezer.
  • Dishwasher.
  • Laundry machine and dryer.
  • Heating/cooling systems, for example, the air conditioner.
  • Unmounted microwave.
  • The stove/oven etc.

Small appliances are more comfortable to move, so focus more on the large appliances. You will need to ask yourself a couple of questions such as:

  • What appliances do you regularly use?
  • Which ones do you feel most attached to and wouldn’t wish to leave behind?
  • Are they in good condition?

That will help you decide what appliances to take and what to sell.

Consult with your moving company

Every moving company has regulations for moving appliances, so talk to them and know what requirements they have for moving appliances. For instance, since large appliances require utmost care, some movers have some preferences for moving them and will not be ready to move them if you have not prepared them to their standards on the day of moving. While your refrigerator or stove may seem strong enough to withstand bumps, there are complex electronics inside that may be damaged not handled with care during the moving process.

Consider the shipping budget.

Remember that large appliances may cost you more to ship, so agree with your moving company beforehand to avoid disagreements. Most companies charge shipping depending on the volume of your stuff. Since large appliances take up more space in the truck, they are challenging to load and unload so, expect the budget to go up.

Make the comparison of the costs you will incur moving them and the cost of installing new units in your new home and go for what is affordable. Surprisingly, those units could land you a more significant sale of your house when you leave them intact for the new buyer. Homebuyers prioritize a home with appliances that are in good working condition over empty dwellings.

On the other hand, shopping for new appliances in the new location can be overwhelming since you are not familiar with it. Weigh the two options and see what works for you.

If you will be moving with your appliances, observe these measures:

  • Empty and remove all the loose parts of your refrigerator like shelves, sliding racks, and drawers and separately pack them.
  • Dry the fridge and freezer thoroughly by draining all the ice and water. Do that 48hours before to give it time to dry completely.
  • Unplug and disconnect everything early, and you may take photos before disconnection so that you know what goes where during reconnection.
  • Empty the vacuum cleaner of dirt and also the dryer of lint.
  • Remember to take all the discs and players out of the DVDs to avoid jamming inside and cause damage.

Clean every appliance thoroughly.