Wednesday, February 12

What Is Soft Water and Is It Better Than Hard Water?

Nearly 85% of the water pumped into homes in the United States is hard water.

But is hard water worse to consume than soft water? What is the difference between the two?

If you would like to know more about the difference between hard and soft water, then read on. We will take you through the reasons why it might be time to start softening the water in your home.

What Is Hard Water?

Hard water is when there is a high level of minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium, in the water. While both minerals are essential for human health in the right quantities, the presence of them in large amounts in your water supply can be detrimental to your home and property.

One of the most common hard water problems is the formation of calcium deposits in your appliances when you heat water. Inside the kettle, the water boiler, washing machine, and dishwasher, you will find a build-up of calcium in the form of a white flaky substance.

The deposits are no significant risk to your health but are incredibly unpleasant to consume and a danger to the lifespan of your appliances. Calcium build-up is often the reason a washing machine stops working correctly. Hard water can also damage the insides of the pipes in your home over time, causing leaks.

If the water quality is hard in your area, you may find that dishes and glasses have spots on them after cleaning, and your metallic kitchen surfaces have a soapy appearance that is difficult to remove.

Washing your hair and skin in hard water can also leave a residue that will dry you out. You may notice your skin is drier and flakier in hard water areas and that your hair becomes more brittle.

What Is Soft Water?

Soft water is water where the unnecessary minerals have been removed from the water, either by passing through a softener or naturally by the rocks and soils in the earth.

Soft water is not found as often in nature as hard water. Many people find that installing a water softener in their homes is a great way to combat hard water problems. Water softeners can be installed directly into your indoor plumbing system or onto a tap head.

Softeners pass the mineral-infused water through a filter that removes the unnecessary elements. If the softener is installed at the entry to your internal plumbing system, this can be hugely beneficial to your home as a whole.

The size of your water softener will depend on several factors: the size of your home, the number of inhabitants, and how much water you usually use daily. Speak with a water softener professional about getting a water softener sizing that will help improve the water quality on your property.

Is Soft Water Better For You?

The natural minerals in hard water can be slightly beneficial to your cardiovascular health in small enough quantities. But the damage it does to your internal plumbing as well as your hair and skin outweigh these benefits.

Overall soft water is the best type of water to have running through your home, and if you make the change, you will notice the difference.

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