Thursday, February 13

When and why should you install rubber tile?

Rubber tiles are one of the most durable options of flooring. Rubber tiles provide an easy solution for many of your flooring needs. It has got many advantages as well, such as it is easy-to-clean, environmentally-friendly (the modern options in the market). These types of tiles are mainly used in gyms that have click lock rubber tile (กระเบื้อง ยาง click lock, which is the term in Thai) and homes that have rubber tile with a herringbone pattern, garages, storages, etc.

These types of tiles are mainly made with three types of rubbers- Synthetic rubber, Natural rubber, and recycled rubber.

When should you install rubber tiles?

We come to witness the use of rubber tiles at places like gyms where we go to work out every day. There we observe click lock rubber tiles. This type of rubber tiles is mainly installed because of their inherent property of being durable under heavyweights. These click lock rubber tiles are designed in a way that doesn’t get damaged when heavyweights are thrown over them, well you don’t need to worry though, with the weights you do, you couldn’t even break the glass.

Another type of rubber tiles we come across are the rubber tiles with herringbone patterns that are mainly used in residential places. Many people who want a custom-designed floor pattern for their houses tend to choose the option of rubber tile with herringbone pattern [กระเบื้องยางลายก้างปลา, term in Thai]. The main reason behind that is that they are durable, aesthetic, easy to install, easy to clean, and cost-effective as compared to other options of customized flooring.

Why should you install rubber tiles?

This click lock flooring is available in every type of color you want. You can get customized color tiles as per the themes you decide for your workplace or any place you want. These rubber tiles come with a huge number of options in colors, patterns, and texture. Tile products mainly come in sizes of 12, 24, or 36 inches squares. The natural and recycled rubber tiles are also very environmentally friendly, mainly for two reasons, they can last long (if taken proper care they last for an average of two decades) another reason is that they don’t cause any harm to the environment.

These tiles as mentioned are very easy to clean, just a mop around the floor and they will look new in an instance. Also, they are very easy to install as compared to other types of flooring, you can even play the game of piece puzzle with these.