Monday, February 10

Why The Building Industry Requires Quantity Surveyor Services?

Quantity surveyor services are a unique business niche that is rarely taught in business schools. The field consists of the services that are required for a property to pass through the various stages of the ownership process in an orderly and efficient manner. The process of obtaining this kind of information is referred to as ‘survey’. A surveyor is essentially the person hired to prepare a report to show the property owners the results of all the work done on the property and how much of the project remains to be completed.

Prepare cost plans

As a quantity surveyor, you need to be aware of the various options that you can use to prepare cost plans. The major areas you will need to consider are the type of site you are working on, the materials you want to use, the method you want to use, and the site team that will carry out the work.

The construction industry is constantly on the lookout for more ways to save money and time while providing a quality product. Project management is an important aspect of building projects, to ensure a successful outcome, and at the same time, to control the rising costs of building materials and labour. Cost plans are a useful tool to assist design teams in controlling costs, as well as monitoring progress toward the project’s completion date.

Monitor and keep track of project progress

The creation of a project is a lengthy and complex process. It can be as simple as a few workmen on site with a few measurements to a complicated project with vast quantities of drawings and a huge team of people. The aim of quantity surveying is to assess the detailed questions of value which arise in many types of construction, property development and property management projects.

Organise the calling of tenders

There are times when the calling of tenders can be a daunting task. Especially when the scope of work is massive in size. In order to maximise the chances of winning you must be organised, know what you are looking for and have the means to find it. Quantity Surveying Services offers a range of services from property valuations and valuation reports, to contract agreements and more.

Construction risk management

In a lot of construction projects, quality comes first, then quantity. Sometimes, good quality is over quantity. Since the bulk of the work is done in the early stages of construction, a high overall quality level (QLAB) is often achieved early on. However, once the building is complete, the quality is reduced, since the QLAB is no longer needed. Construction projects have many risks, including those associated with the design, the construction, as well as contractor and subcontractor performance and materials. These risk management issues must be managed in order to obtain the best possible value for the client.

Contract document preparation

The construction industry is full of complicated contracts and onerous legal documents. The first step in preparing this type of documentation is to ascertain what legally holds sway in your industry.

A contract is a legal document that contains the rights of the seller and the rights of the buyer of the property/services. It also includes the main terms and conditions of the sale of the property/services.  A contract may also include other terms and conditions. A contract is a binding legal agreement between two or more parties, which are called the contracting parties. The terms and conditions that are agreed upon between the contracting parties usually set out the rights and obligations of the contracting parties.