Monday, May 6

How To Use Neem Oil To Protect Your Indoor Plants

If you’re looking for a natural way to protect your indoor plants from pests, neem oil is a great option. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use neem oil to keep your plants healthy and free from pests.

We asked Michelle Wilde, an expert on indoor plants and certified plant lover why she loves neem oil for her indoor plants. Michelle blogs at and shared with us why she loves using neem oil on indoor plants.

Purchase Neem Oil At Your Local Garden Store, Or Online.

If you want to protect your indoor plants from pests, you can purchase neem oil at your local garden store or online. Neem oil is effective at deterring and killing insects, and it is safe to use around plants.

Simply apply the oil to the leaves of your plants using a cotton ball or brush, and repeat as necessary.

Mix Neem Oil With Water, According To The Instructions On The Bottle.

To use neem oil to protect your indoor plants, mix it with water according to the instructions on the bottle. This will create a solution that you can spray on your plants to keep pests away.

Be sure to apply the mixture evenly and avoid getting it on any leaves that are already damaged, as it could cause further damage.

Use A Spraying Bottle To Apply The Neem Oil Mixture To Your Plants, Being Sure To Cover The Leaves And Stems.

If you want to use neem oil to protect your indoor plants, you’ll need to mix it with water and put it in a spraying bottle. Be sure to cover the leaves and stems of your plants when you spray them with the mixture.

Bonus Tip:

If you’re looking for a natural way to protect your indoor plants from pests, neem oil is a great option. Simply dilute the oil with water and spray it on your plants once every week or two. You can also add a few drops of neem oil to your plant’s water once a month.