Monday, February 10

The Best Tiles for Your Best Choices

The finishing phase is, for many people, the best part of the work. After all, it is at this stage that our preferences come to the fore to make every space in the house the way we want it! And it is at that moment that doubts about the kitchen covering arise.

First of all, the chosen coatings must be resistant and functional. However, the aesthetics and design of the environment must also be taken into account when finishingeven because a well-decorated kitchen is a real invitation to the table, isn’t it?

With that in mind, we have created seven tips that will help you choose the ideal coating for your kitchen.

Why the kitchen needs coating

As we know, the kitchen is a wet environment, in which water comes in direct contact with the surfaces. Not to mention the remnants of fat or food after preparing meals.

That is why it is necessary to cover it with impermeable, little porous and resistant materials. The more coated surfaces, the more protected the kitchen will be: floor, walls, countertops and tables.

Give preference to ceramic tiles

The kitchen flooring options are many: from classic ceramic or porcelain tiles Melbourne, through glass tiles, to materials such as wood, stone or burnt cement.

Among the architects, the technical recommendation of ceramics to cover this area of ​​the house is unanimous, and they can be placed over the entire length of the kitchen or only in the most critical areas, such as behind the stove and the sink countertop.

This way, you won’t have to worry about splashing grease or water, as the ease of cleaning is one of the strengths of ceramics. Below, we list the great advantages of this material.


As long as you buy good quality ceramics and rely on skilled labor for the installation, the life of the coating will be very long. To give you an idea, ceramic tiles can last from 25 to 50 years on the floors and more than 50 years on the wallsall without cracking, fading or staining.


When it comes to cooking, there’s no way: functionality should come first. Again, the ceramics come out in front, as they are extremely easy to clean and maintain, since they have no cracks to accumulate dust, bacteria and other debris.


Here is strength of ceramics: they are ecologically sustainable. Ceramics are a natural material and their manufacture takes place through the extraction of clay, followed by high-tech factory processing. While marble deposits, for example, are completely devastated after extraction, clay deposits can be recovered and reforested, which guarantees the sustainable character of ceramic tiles.