Thursday, May 2

Picking the best modern rug

Rugs have been around for centuries. Originally, they were a practical item, designed to cover cold stone floors, but now their purpose has changes and they are considered a fashion statement. A well-chosen rug can put your personal stamp on a room, and there are so many options now available at reasonable prices that it’s easy to find something you’ll love.  

Before you buy

Before you go out to buy your rug, take a moment to think about where it will go, what size you need, what kind of use it’s going to get, and what kind of style you’re looking for. Don’t let yourself be put off by designs that catch your eye just because they’re striking; if it’s not the right fit for your house, don’t buy it.


Modern rugs have a vast array of styles, shapes, colours, and materials to choose from. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the huge choice on offer.

A nice, soft and fluffy rug is the perfect thing to have on the floor when you get out of bed on a cold morning, and can add a dash of comfort and luxury to any room in the house, but deep pile or shaggy carpets will also collect dust and dirt easily, so they might not be the best choice if you’ve got dogs or cats in the house.

Today, there’s really no excuse for saying you can’t find a rug that looks right, as there’ve never been so many designs on offer. Just about every taste and décor is catered for; animal print, squares, circles, artistic, you can even get them with unicorns on. Whatever the design of your house is, there’ll be a rug to match it perfectly.

The material used is also a huge consideration for many reasons, including allergies and cleaning, but modern rugs are available in just about every fabric imaginable. Wool is still a hugely popular material for rugs, but synthetics such as nylon and acrylic are common choices, and cotton is also becoming popular. It’s always important to consider whether you’ll need to clean your rug often when choosing a fabric, as some will require specialist products to clean or dry-clean them.


Boldness is the name of the game with many modern rugs. These rugs aren’t content to just sit in the background and be walked on, they shout about their style and force you to take notice of them. If you’re going the minimalist look with your house, then a rug can become even more important to get right as it will be that much more obvious in the space.

Rag rugs

Rag rugs aren’t a new idea, they’ve been made for centuries, often as a cheaper alternative for poorer families, but with the rise in people wanting sustainable products, rag rugs are becoming more popular.

Many of these rugs are made in traditional places, such as India and Bangladesh, using the same hand looming methods that have been employed for centuries. Often made from recycled cotton rags, they are sustainable and green. Some of these rugs are made by crafters and sold online, made with unique and quirky designs.