Thursday, May 2

Practical Ideas For Maintaining Forestry Equipment

If you’re in any part of the forestry industry, whether it’s road building, harvesting wood, or replanting forests, you know that well-maintained forestry equipment is of the utmost importance.

If you’re looking for tips on maintaining your heavy forestry equipment, you’re at the right place. Read on for tips and tricks for protecting equipment after hard use to keep everything running in top shape.

Daily Inspections

The most important way to keep your heavy machinery in good shape is through daily inspections. By inspecting your equipment every day, you can catch small problems before they become big ones, and prevent your crew from operating unsafe equipment.

It’s important to check fluid levels every day and top off anything that might be below recommended levels. This will prevent undue wear and tear. Hydraulic hoses should also be inspected every day for leaks and general wear and tear.

Wiring should be inspected for wear, and especially for any bare spots. Exposed wiring that comes into contact with metal or another wire can cause a short, or possibly even a fire. Tires should also be inspected daily to make sure they are properly inflated for the terrain, as well as to make sure the treads are in good condition.

Invest in Quality Forestry Equipment

One of the best ways to make sure that your heavy forestry equipment stays in top working condition is by investing in the best machinery. Quality equipment will run better and require less upkeep and servicing, although daily inspections are still important.

Choosing the right equipment for the job will also help your equipment last longer. If you need to do a lot of mulching, investing in a quality mulcher like this product will put less stress on the rest of your equipment and make everything run more smoothly.

Regular Upkeep

Just like a car, heavy forestry equipment needs regular upkeep, even if nothing is wrong with it. When you’re putting your equipment through hard use every day, protecting equipment starts with upkeep.

In addition to your daily inspections to catch any unexpected issues, you should schedule regular equipment maintenance with the dealer where you purchased the equipment. Nobody knows your equipment better than the people that make and sell them, and so it’s important to trust their recommendations for maintenance.

Stay Educated

Even though your equipment dealers know best, it’s still a great idea to learn as much as you can about the forestry equipment you use. It’s also important to keep your whole crew informed.

At the start of every new project, go over the inner workings and the basic maintenance behind all the equipment you’re going to be utilizing. This will allow your crew to catch small problems before they get big, and also help them stay safe on the job.

Utilizing these tips for maintaining forestry equipment will keep your projects running smoothly and your crew working safely on a daily basis. For more interesting articles on home maintenance, outdoor projects, and more, keep reading! Stay safe out there!