Sunday, May 5

How Insulating Attic Roof Can Save Your Energy Bill: A Closer Look

Did you know that insulation has such a major impact on your home, that it qualifies for the residential energy property tax credit?

That’s because space heating accounts for over 50% of the energy used in residential buildings. Since insulation helps prevent hot and cold air from moving in and out of your home, it has a huge effect on how much energy you use.

When considering your home’s energy use, it makes sense to deal with the largest vulnerable area first, i.e. your roof.

Let’s take a closer look at how insulating an attic roof helps stop hot and cold air from escaping via the roof, helping decrease your energy bill.  

How Does Insulating Your Attic Save Energy?

Your attic has vents leading to the outside, and these allow hot and cold air to flow freely in and out of your home. This air travels to the rest of your home.

When it’s hot or cold outside, the resulting influx of air makes your heating and cooling systems work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature.

When you insulate your attic, you block this hot or cold air from accessing your living spaces, so it doesn’t impact the internal temperature. 

Apart from decreasing your bills, attic insulation also ensures cleaner air in your home by blocking any foreign particles that enter via the roof.  

Insulating an Attic Roof 101

The type of insulation you need to install depends on where you live. Manufacturers rate insulation in R-values, which refer to how much heat or cold it blocks. 

The higher the Thermal Resistance offered by your chosen insulation, the more it impacts airflow. You can look up the recommended R-values for your area on the EIA website. 

You can choose between batts, blown-in, spray foam, or blanket applications for your attic and there are three main types of insulation materials used in attics:


Fiberglass is the most commonly used type of insulation. It is moisture, pest, and fire-resistant and won’t shrink over time. 


Cellulose isn’t as good as fiberglass, but it’s much cheaper. It’s made of paper and wood, flammable, and treated with huge volumes of anti-flammable chemicals. 


Cotton insulation comprises recycled denim jeans and is a highly efficient type of insulation. It’s also eco-friendly, but it’s expensive and has low fire resistance unless it’s treated with flame retardant measures. 

Foam insulation best suits commercial applications and isn’t recommended for residential use. 

If you’re confused by all this jargon, energy experts at a Solar Panel Company can help you choose the most energy-efficient measure for your home. 

More Ways to Save

If you’re serious about saving money and reducing your carbon footprint, insulating an attic roof is a good place to start. After that, you can also consider installing a solar power system, LED lights, and gas appliances.

The most effective way to save energy is by remaining conscious of the electricity you use.

Don’t leave lights burning in empty rooms. Consider changing your attire before you adjust your heating and cooling system up and down, and replace your old appliances with Energy-Star-rated ones.

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