Wednesday, May 1

Why You Shouldn’t Deal With Wildlife Removal On Your Own

Wildlife removal is often a complex process. A trained professional will not only be able to identify problematic areas, but will also know how to resolve them in a way that will prevent the same problem from recurring. It’s best to hire a professional company to deal with wildlife problems.

It Can Be Dangerous

Wildlife removal is often a daunting task, but it is possible to hire a professional to do it safely. Professionals are trained to properly identify problem areas, eradicate pests, and prevent future infestations. Wildlife removal professionals have the expertise and equipment to safely and effectively remove invasive wildlife from homes and other properties.

Whether it’s ground squirrels, raccoons, bats, birds, or opossums, these creatures can damage your home. In addition to leaving unsightly holes in your yard, they can become a nuisance, and some can even pose a health risk to people and pets. You should never attempt to deal with wildlife removal on your own.

Wildlife trapping can expose you to animal bites and disease, as well as potentially harmful pathogens. Many wild animals leave infected feces and droppings behind, and the airborne spores can cause respiratory problems. This is why it is always best to call a professional for wildlife removal.

Animals often roost in attics, outdoor beams, and architectural features. Their droppings and waste can cause damage to surfaces and paint. In addition to being dangerous, removing wildlife from your property requires special equipment and training. In addition, it can be illegal to trap wildlife without a license, which could put you at risk of committing a crime.

Fines And Legal Issues

If you’re removing wildlife, you need to be aware of the fines and legal issues involved. Violations of wildlife laws can result in jail time and fines. Moreover, some states require special permits for wildlife removal. These permits usually require proof that a particular animal is a threat to human health or safety.

There are a few exceptions to the rule, though. Some species of wildlife, such as bear, elk, fisher, and wild turkey, are considered protected under the law. However, there are also times when a landowner can take action to remove the wildlife, such as when it damages personal property, or if it threatens people or animals. In these situations, only property owners are allowed to take action against wildlife.

Property Damage

If you are dealing with wildlife removal and there is damage to your property, you may want to check your homeowners insurance policy to see what is covered. You may be able to get coverage for damage from animals under the “dwelling” and “other structures” clause. This means your insurer will pay for repairs for broken glass and fences.

While you may be able to repair damage on your own, it’s better to seek the assistance of a professional who specializes in wildlife damage. A specialist in wildlife damage claims can review the adjustor’s estimate and help you negotiate the proper payment. If you’ve already filed a claim for wildlife damage and it turns out that your wildlife removal company underestimated the extent of the damage, it’s best to consult with a wildlife damage claims specialist before proceeding.

Hiring a professional wildlife removal company such as, can help you avoid property damage and legal penalties. The professionals have the proper training and experience to safely remove wildlife from your property. Wildlife removal can also be messy. You can end up with dead animals in your home or office and an unpleasant odor. Wildlife removal companies specialize in humane removal.

Property damage caused by wildlife can be extremely expensive. In one case, a Peterborough homeowner lost nearly $10,000 after a squirrel chewed through a gap between the roof and porch ceiling. If the damage is severe, homeowners should consider checking their insurance policies.