Friday, April 26

What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Metal Roof Vs Shingles?

Choosing a roof can become a daunting task if you’re shopping all by yourself. The availability of plenty of materials and their numerous mouth-watering pros make it difficult for customers to simply choose one. But that can be time-consuming and a waste of energy. Hence, our selection of 2 of the most popular roofing materials in London. Metal roofing in London is rampant but doesn’t overshadow Shingles. If you’re stuck in-between both options, then let’s help you get unstuck by weighing their pros and cons.

Pros and Cons of Metal Roofing 


  • Durability

Metal roofs are notoriously durable. These roofs can reach a life span of 70 years, sometimes, even surpassing that. Metal roofs are strong and can withstand terrifying weather conditions.

  • Fire-resistant

Metals can resist fire, and so can metal roofs. Your building is therefore significantly protected from fire attacks. 

  • Lightweight 

Metal roofs are incredibly lightweight, weighing as small as not to burden the structure. Being lightweight also makes it easier to install, however, it takes high proficiency to properly install a metal roof.

  • Minimal maintenance

Metal roofs do not require consistent maintenance. These roofs are strong enough to resist damage. 


  • Cost

Metal roofs are a one-time high-cost roofing material. However, you’ll be getting value for money as it is durable, sturdy, and doesn’t require a roof maintenance budget. 

  • Limited qualified contractors

The process of installing a metal roof can be rigid and cumbersome. These difficulties have deterred many roof contractors from majoring in metal roofs. But it doesn’t mean all metal roof contractors are qualified enough to install a roof. According to research, most metal roof repairs are a result of installation errors. 

Pros and Cons of Shingles


  • Easy installation

Shingles always come in prepackaged boxes, ready to be nailed on the deck. This roofing material doesn’t require the handling and connecting of panels for metal roof installation. 

  • Less expensive repairs

As with easy installation comes cheaper repairs. The materials required for repairing most shingles damages are not as costly as that of metal roofs. And that is also true for workmanship. 

  • More installers

Unlike metal roofing, shingle roofing is populated with installers. You’ll find installers everywhere as it is less of a cumbersome task compared to metal roofing.


  • Lack of durability

Shingles roofing has limited durability of 25 years. Unlike metal roofing which still outlives that lifespan with another 50 years. This shortcoming alone prevents a lot of buyers. Metal roofing in London is rampant because local homeowners prefer longevity. 

  • Heavier

Shingles are heavy and can reduce the structural integrity of any building.