Friday, May 3

How to Choose the Perfect Swimming Pool Size for Your Home

A swimming pool increases the sale price of your home by as much as 7% when properly installed. It would be best if you got the decision right the first time since there’s no way of stretching your pool after it’s completed. You, thus, need to take your time deliberating on the perfect swimming pool size for your home.

The idea of your kids having fun in your backyard during the summer shouldn’t tempt you to create an overly big pool. You shouldn’t also limit the fun by making a small swimming pool. Deliberating on the perfect swimming pool size before starting the digging will thus be crucial.

A perfect pool size for your backyard not only improves the home value but the curb appeal as well. Before the swimming pool installation, you have to consider so much to enjoy an excellent backyard oasis. Such deliberations sometimes feel overwhelming, but getting it right is totally worth it.

Wondering what pool size is perfect for your home? Continue reading to discover how to choose the perfect in-ground swimming pool size for your backyard.

Understand How Big A Pool Can Be

A common mistake most people make is not understanding the pool sizes before installation. It’s okay to be overambitious about the pool, but understand, not everything you want may be actionable. You first need to know how big a pool can be.

To effectively know about the sizes of swimming pool, you must consider the following;

  • How many people will be using the pool?
  • Do you have enough space in your backyard for a huge pool?
  • Is the space able to accommodate the pool and other accessories too?
  • What municipal laws are there regarding pool distance from your house and fencing?
  • Do you want a concrete or fiberglass pool?

The answers to these questions will assist you in getting a sense of what you want. The suitable backyard swimming pool size offers your household fun and looks great on your property.

You can scour the neighborhood properties with swimming pools to determine the average size you can go for. At the same time, you’ll learn a thing or two about the in-ground pool installation to make the idea you settle on the best.

Pool Size Depends on the Activities

What activities are you planning on having on the pool? Did you know that the different activities you wish for your residential pool affect its size? You should thus think of what you want from the pool before installing it.

Think about who’ll be using the pool the most and determine what they’d like the most. For instance, children won’t be mostly interested in laps, so you don’t have to go for a lengthy pool. Think about members of your pool with mobility issues to know how to plan the slope instead of using steps.

People that want the pool for exercise will fancy a long straight pool for laps. Children will be most interested in water games, so you have the liberty to choose the shape.

You may have to look at several accessories for your pool, like a diving board or a basking bay while drying off. The accessories you want determine the size of your pool that you go for, so it’s necessary to find a size that fits.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget that the swimming pool should accommodate the future needs of your kids as well. Maybe you have little kids at the time of pool construction, but as they grow, they’ll be less interested in water games. You should thus plan your pool size to meet their needs even as they grow older.

Think Of Your Budget

How much do you have to spend on the pool? The money you set aside for pool installation will determine the size that you settle for.

Of course, the larger the pool, the higher its installation costs. Your finances also determine whether or not you can get that pool you’ve wished for. Remember, a swimming pool in your backyard is an investment for increasing your home value.

The pool costs money to install and maintain, so you have to plan for all those costs ahead. You wouldn’t want the costs to affect your finances negatively, would you? Ensure that the pool size you choose is one you can comfortably pay for.

Don’t Forget To Account For The Depth

The size isn’t only about your pool’s length; you also must consider the depth. The deeper the pool, the more structural reinforcement you need, which means you get to pay more.

Here’s a breakdown of the swimming pool depth recommendations for different activities.

  • Water sports – three to four feet deep
  • Kids or baby pool – two to three feet depth
  • Float lounging – four feet
  • Diving – at least eight feet
  • Laps – four or more feet

The standard pools have shallow and deep ends, ranging from 2 feet to 9 feet. Today, pool designs have changed to feature the maximum depth at the middle. You, therefore, get more usable space for children or adults that’d rather sit in the water.

Consider A Custom Design

The size of the pool also depends on its design. You should thus plan a custom design to fit your space.

The standard pool design can be boring to look at. You’re allowed to get creative about the pool shape, but make sure it fits well within your yard. By aligning the backyard pool with your patio and outdoor landscaping plans, you improve the outlook of your curb.

Choose The Perfect Swimming Pool Size For Your Home

A perfect swimming pool size will create a great addition to the home and increase the value of your property. How well the pool fits in your backyard depends on the design requirements for your pool. Consider the above factors to develop the perfect swimming pool size for your home.

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