Friday, May 3

5 Water Saving Xeriscape Landscaping Tips

According to the EPA, Americans use around 9 billion gallons of water in their gardens every day, wasting about 60% of it in the process.

One way to cut down on this wastefulness is by implementing water-wise practices in your gardening. These techniques, also known as xeriscaping, rely on planting drought-resistant plants and manipulating your landscapes to maximize water use.

Keep reading to discover how you can use xeriscape landscaping to benefit the environment and yourself.

What Is Xeriscape Landscaping?

In many dry areas of the country, xeriscape landscape design is the only option for those who want to enhance their outdoor spaces.

Yet, you can use these principles in any climate. They eliminate the expense and effort required to keep thirsty plants lush and thriving.

  1. Xeriscape Plants

Water-wise plants are at the heart of all the best xeriscape designs, and they needn’t be drab and boring.

Many cactuses and succulents feature striking structural elements, and there are some attractive flowering options available to the home gardener.

Some of the best xeriscape plants include evening primrose, yarrow, coneflowers, butterfly bush, and poppies.

Another one of the best tips for choosing suitable plants for any garden is by sticking with plants native to your area.

  1. Hardscapes Conserve Water

Xeriscape design goes beyond planting the right specimens. Implementing rocks, stones, and gravel into your landscaping helps retain water in the soil and prevent erosion.

These features also take up space that might otherwise look bare without thirsty lawns adorning them.

  1. Think Zen

Zen gardens are excellent examples of xeriscape gardening due to their use of striking forms instead of plants to create appeal.

These modern designs use gravel surfaces, rocks, driftwood, and structured plants for impact. In this way, they add modern minimalist aesthetics and restful appeal to any yard.

  1. Rainwater Harvesting

If you want to reduce your dependence on your municipal water supply, you can collect rainwater as it falls. This involves collecting ran from your home’s gutters to use in your garden.

You can store your harvest in barrels or tanks underground, and while these innovations can cost a lot to install, they’ll save you a lot of money down the line.

Rainwater harvesting helps prevent wastage of this vital resource, which might otherwise flow pointlessly into the ground or your municipal drainage system.

  1. Get Help With Xeriscape Landscaping

If you’re new to the world of water-wise gardening, it’s a good idea to get some assistance at the outset. Otherwise, your efforts could make things worse instead of better.

Read some more articles, sign up for an online course, attend seminars, or get in touch with a landscaping expert to assist you.  Learn more about this service, here.

Improve Your Home’s Efficiency and Aesthetics

Xeriscape landscaping results in massive savings when it comes to your time and your water bills. It also helps contribute to the environment by reducing the demand for vital water resources.

Now that you know more about how to create a water-efficient garden that goes beyond the obvious, you too can benefit from these conveniences.

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