Sunday, April 28

Kitchen Cleaning: How to Deep Clean Your Kitchen Appliances

Imagine walking into your kitchen and beholding shiny appliances so clean and sparkling that you need sunglasses just to make your way through the room. Alright, a kitchen may never be that clean. But, a fresh and sparkling kitchen is possible.

Whether your inspiration for cleaning is your mother-in-law coming to town or the beginning of spring cleaning, you want to clean in the most effective and efficient way possible. This kitchen cleaning guide will walk you through your major kitchen appliances and give you the run-down on how to clean them.

Set down your spray bottle and read on!


Like with other cleaning tasks, work from top to bottom to avoid soiling spots that you already cleaned. When cleaning an oven, a good degreaser will be your friend. You can buy a commercial-grade cleaner to deep clean your stove, or you can make one by combining the following ingredients in a spray bottle:

  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon Castile soap
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 3 cups warm water

The type of stovetop you have will determine your tools. For a glass stovetop, use a textured sponge or a damp microfiber cloth. Non-abrasive cloths or soft sponges clean electric stovetops. Abrasive sponges or scrubbing brushes work well for gas stovetops.

Remove cooking grates, if applicable, and wipe down the top. Remove grates from inside the oven and wash them in the sink with warm soapy water. You can wipe out the bottom of the oven or use the self-clean feature.


Start by removing everything from the fridge. This is your chance to get rid of the straggling plastic containers hiding in the back with who knows what inside. Use warm soapy water to wipe down all of the shelves and clean out the drawers.

Use a powder stainless steel cleaner to clean the outside of your stainless steel fridge. Or for a conventional metal fridge, you can use your degreaser spray to remove stubborn spots.


Your degreaser will help you out again on this one. If your microwave is above your cooktop, the bottom of it will be greasy. Go at it with your degreaser and a rag.

You can take the removable plate out of the microwave and wash it in the sink or in the dishwasher. If you have stubborn stains or stuck-on food, run the microwave for a minute with a bowl of water and half a lemon. The steam created will make the inside more wipe-able.


Start from the inside and work your way out. If your dishwasher has removable food traps or other parts, take them out and wash them with warm soapy water in the sink. For stubborn hard water build-up, do the following:

  • Dilute white vinegar with water in a spray bottle
  • Spray generously
  • Allow it to sit
  • Wipe away the residue

As you’re wiping pay attention to the joint where the door opens and closes, grime often builds up there.

Make Kitchen Cleaning a Breeze

Follow these tips to make restaurant kitchen hood cleaning boca raton fl a cinch. Your appliances will thank you for the deep clean, and it will feel so good to walk into your fresh kitchen.

Don’t stop in the kitchen. Check out cleaning hacks for the whole house on our blog today!