Thursday, May 2

5 Small Kitchen Design Ideas

Did you know that millennials and the younger generations of today are embracing ‘microkitchens,’ with shrunken appliances and smaller footprints? This is because most of them eat either at their workplace (a lot of times for free) or in homey restaurants around their neighborhood.

If you are building a small kitchen in your tiny house or if you are thinking about renovating your kitchen space to embrace a better kitchen design, then we have the best design tips for you in the article below. So keep reading!

1. Add a Kitchen Island That Can Move Around

You probably won’t have space in your small kitchen for a full-on kitchen island. But it’s always good to have one that’s on rolling wheels and that you can move around as the need arises. This way you will have additional space for prep work or other cooking tasks.

2. Use Light Colors in Your Kitchen to Visually Expand Space

Don’t be afraid to use white on white, to make sure your kitchen looks bigger than it is. Darker colors contract a space, whereas lighter colors make a space more vibrant, alive, and open. Buy utensils, appliances, pots, and pans that are white to ensure you don’t feel cluttered in your kitchen.

3. Get Rid of All Clutter by Organizing Your Kitchen Cabinets

Another way of getting rid of clutter is by having impeccably organized kitchen cabinets, so you can move everything from your kitchen countertop to the cabinets. This will also ensure that you are not wasting time searching for items in your messy kitchen. You can find a comprehensive list of ideas for your small HDB kitchen in Kitchenate’s blog.

4. Smaller Appliances Are the Way to Go

A small kitchen design always includes smaller appliances. You don’t want your kitchen appliances to feel overwhelming and take over your kitchen. Even if you use a lot of appliances like blenders, toasters, and microwaves, you can always find a micro-version of them to suit your small kitchen space.

5. Use Lighting Design to Give the Illusion of Space

Small kitchen lighting has to be intricately and thoughtfully designed so that you can create the illusion of more space than is available. A couple of easy ones are to put LED lights or spotlights underneath your cabinets and to add recessed or ceiling lights to save space. If you are interested in learning more about this, use these tips from

A Small Kitchen Design Requires Finesse

When you have a huge kitchen, it’s easier to plan it out because you don’t have to worry about running out of space to add more items. But with a small kitchen renovation, you need to bring more creativity, and finesse into the equation, since every little item needs to be added with care and forethought.

If you are interested in learning more about being a smart homeowner, then you need to check out additional articles on our website. We cover topics like real estate & home and many more.