Monday, February 10

Different Types of Water Filtration Systems and How to Choose One


Drinking from the Tap vs Brita: Are Water Filter Pitchers Actually Better

Some people buy gallons of water solely for drinking. Others drink water straight from the kitchen faucet. In areas where clean water runs low, people usually buy water for both bathing and drinking. If you’re not knowledgeable about water from unfamiliar sources, it’s easy to assume that any clear, running water is safe. But that’s not always the case.

Water safety issues prompted the creation of water filtration systems. Apparently, water from the tap may still be contaminated, even if some people can consume them without problems. Common signs of contaminants include visible dirt and an unpleasant taste and smell. If you have another source for drinking water and you can clean and shower with your running water just fine, do you still need a filter? That’s up to you, but it’s worth noting that some water filtration system Jacksonville FL don’t just clean your water; they improve its quality as well.

To know more about this amazing technology, let’s walk through the different types of water filtration systems below. We also discuss how to choose the right one for you:

  1. Activated Alum

This type of filter removes fluoride, arsenic, and selenium from drinking water. The pores on its surface can reduce up to 99% of fluoride concentrations in normal fluoridated water.

Fluoride isn’t necessarily bad in water. In fact, consuming fluoridated water is recommended for preventing tooth decay. However, too much of it can lead to dental fluorosis or skeletal fluorosis, a condition that can damage joints and bones.

To know if your water supply contains fluoride, contact your utility provider. Again, it’s not necessarily unsafe to have a fluoridated water supply, but if you’d rather avoid the risk of dental fluorosis completely, consider getting an activated alum filter.

  1. Activated Carbon

Activated carbon or activated charcoal is made of processed carbon to maximize the number of pores. The pores trap the water’s pollutants as they pass through them. Due to its large absorption surface, activated carbon is widely used in water treatment to get rid of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and chlorine from drinking water. Pitchers with filters also often use activated carbon.

Aside from VOC and chlorine, activated carbon can also filter out sediments, improving the taste and smell of treated water. It’s also inexpensive and doesn’t require electricity to work. As such, it’s a popular choice for homes, but it doesn’t remove minerals, salts, and dissolved inorganic compounds. If those three aren’t present in your water supply to begin with, then activated carbon is suitable for you.

  1. Ceramic Filter

Like activated carbon, a ceramic filter also has plenty of tiny pores in it. They trap pollutants to make water safe to drink. But what’s great about ceramic filters is their antibacterial, anti-mold, and anti-algae features. The filters are treated with silver, which gets rid of those impurities.

Ceramic filters are also affordable and able to last for years. It doesn’t require electricity, can reduce bacteria and protozoa, and is easy to set up at home. Its unique qualities make ceramic filters good for people with water sensitivity. However, take note that it doesn’t kill viruses.

  1. Reverse Osmosis

Heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, mercury, chromium, cobalt, zinc, and selenium, can be found in natural waters. They’re toxic even in small amounts. Hence, reverse osmosis is the right water filter for you if you rely on a natural water source.

Reverse osmosis forces water through a membrane with tiny pores, which filters out and flushes away the contaminants. Because of this sophisticated function, however, reverse osmosis filters are pricey and uncommon in whole-house filtration systems. But if you’re highly health-conscious and budget permits it, it’s worth investing in this filter. They come in either under-sink types or countertop types.

  1. Water Softeners

While not exactly a filtration system, a water softener gets rid of the minerals that harden water, particularly calcium and magnesium. They’re the ones responsible for leaving white, hard deposits on glasses and silverware, as well as mineral stains on fresh laundry.

Soft water, on the other hand, contains higher levels of sodium and salt. Despite that, though, soft water doesn’t taste salty. The differences they make include producing a healthier lather when bathing, washing clothes, and washing the dishes; not leaving mineral stains on fresh laundry; and providing healthier water pressure because the magnesium and calcium no longer harden inside the pipes.

This water system requires little maintenance, but from time to time, you’d need a water softener repair professional to ensure that it’s functioning optimally at all times. These experts will help you install and set it up.

Due to the varying benefits these different types of filters give, it can be hard to choose just one. Nevertheless, all of them make your drinking water safe. If you want safe drinking water and cleaner dishes, laundry, and smoother skin, you may choose any type of filter; then, install a water softener to get all those bonus benefits.