How to easily lubricate a door lock with a pencil
The biggest issue with Lubricating locks is that people just don’t. Many manufacturers don’t even lubricate their new locks, even more so if their buyers are overseas. Picture a company slapping some grease in a lock and then shipping it to Dubai. Within a few months that grease is going to pick up every grain of sand in the air and will clog up the lock in no time at all.
Graphite for Locks
Locksmiths have long since used powdered graphite to lubricate the mechanics of locks, and if your key refuses to slide fully into the lock, you can do the same. But there is a much easier and far less expensive option than going out and buying a tube of powdered graphite for locks. All that you need is a pencil to use as a stand in door lock lubricant.
A pencil works amazingly well for a quick door...